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  • November 25 - 26, 2025

    November 25 - 26, 2025

    Double Mixte - Lyon - France

    21th International business convention

    For Pharmaceutical, Chemical and Petrochemical and Gas industries

    Sign up online

The 21th edition will focus on the optimisation of processes, equipment, utilities, energy sobriety, decarbonisation and hydrogen for the chemical, pharmaceutical, petrochemical and gas industries.

As in the November 2024 edition, INTERMAINTENANCE and WASTE Meetings will take place this year 2025 at the same time and at the same venue as PCH Meetings.

These industries are often interconnected in the value chain and therefore perfectly economically interdependent. They play a key role in the transition to a greener economy. Industries that are aiming for an ambitious decarbonization goal.

Solutions and Innovations dedicated to maintenance for INTERMAINTENANCE (7th edition) -

 Recycling, treatment and recovery of waste for WASTE Meetings (8th edition) -

  • Slider Item 1

PCH Meetings is a free event for contractors who are supported by our organization (accomodation and transport package, unique in France) with fully equipped stands for exhibitors.
Thus, we give strong arguments to contractors in order to convince their sites more easily to let them participate in this convention that combines time savings, efficiency and "return on investment business trip".

We put forward a "nomenclature skills-needs" recognized in equipment, processes, utilities, energy efficiency and renewable energies, essential, will eventually convince you that our language is technical and professional for trade exchanges of quality.

PCH Meetings is a human-sized event that focuses on the quality and personalization of the contact: relevant, targeted and effective appointments that save you more than just time. The exclusive organization of meetings between suppliers and contractors, as well as the methodology of the business convention, guarantee high value-added interviews.

Excerpt from this nomenclature:

  • Production/Processes

  • Utilities / Networks / Production Environment

  • Energy Efficiency – Decarbonization

  • Hydrogen: Technologies, Applications and Innovations: Technologies, Applications and Innovations

  • Packaging / Packaging / Logistics

  • Project Management / Consulting / Expertise / Training




08:00 - 09:00

Participant registration

09:00 - 12:30

Private meetings
and/or conferences (*)

12:30 - 14:00

Lunch on site (restaurant)

14:00 - 18:30

Private meetings
and/or conferences (*)




08:00 - 09:00

Participant registration

09:00 - 12:30

Private meetings
and/or conferences (*)

12:30 - 14:00

Lunch on site

14:00 - 17:30

Private meetings
and/or conferences (*)
(*) Five minute breaks between the private meetings and/or conferences.

Some appreciation and feedback.

From sellers/exhibitors

From buyers